Title: Tales of Two Hobbits: A Close Shave Indeed Author: Kortirion Chracters: Merry & Pippin Rating: G Source: movie!verse Disclaimer: Tolkien’s premise, Tolkien’s plot.
Title: Tales of Two Hobbits: Size Matters. Author: Kortirion Characters: Merry & Pippin Rating: G Source: AU movie!verse Disclaimer: No…. Tolkien didn’t want this bit.
Title: Tales of Two Hobbits: Hot Water Author: Kortirion Characters: Merry, Pippin Rating: G Source: FotR Movie Disclaimer: Tolkien’s and PJ’s, and a mere appended commentary
Title: “Lads, eh?” Drabble series Author: Kortirion Characters: Meriadoc, Peregrine, Hobbits Rating: G Source: Pre-Ring War Disclaimer: These are Tolkien’s characters and his Middle-earth
Title: Crafting. Author: Elwen of the Hidden Valley Characters: Frodo, Merry, Pippin, Bilbo Rating: G Source: Third Age Disclaimer: Professor Tolkien owns the lot. I only own my mad crafting skills.
Title: Cold Comfort Author: Branwyn Characters: Frodo, Merry, Pippin Rating: G Source: LOTR For the tolkien_weekly "Fishing" challenge. Note: The sandbox belongs to Tolkien; I am just borrowing it to play. *********************************** Clicky here